Common Sense Insulation Information

Building codes do not adequately address insulation needs in this area. For example, local ‘code’ is currently R-39 in the attic, but Dept. of Energy recommendations call for R-59. One thing is certain: these recommendations are not going to go DOWN. Insist on Dept. of Energy insulation levels rather than code, to save money and protect the environment.

While Jack Frost does not provide insulation services, we believe we have a responsibility to assist our customers with knowledge about all aspects of heating and cooling efficiency. Insulation is a big factor in utility bills and comfort.

Most people don’t realize that insulation material, in and of itself, does not provide much in the way of preventing the transfer of heat. It is, in fact, trapped air that resists heat transfer. That is what insulation does: it provides a near-infinite number of small cavities where air tends to remain stationary.

Knowing the properties of insulation, you are better prepared to understand that if you do not have control of air leakage, then the amount of insulation you have loses relevance. Air leakage issues can dwarf insufficient insulation issues, since moving air invalidates the qualities of insulation.

When insulation is oriented vertically such as in inside walls, then natural air currents want to move through the insulating material (heat rises, cool air settles). For vertical insulation to achieve its intended effectiveness, it needs to be encapsulated (surrounded) to prevent air currents from flowing. It is a common practice for builders to leave the insulation exposed on the side of walls exposed to attics or other unconditioned spaces, especially in “bonus” rooms. When they do so, the insulation value is cut roughly in half.

Because air leakage is such a big problem in so many homes, Jack Frost has equipment that can test a home to determine the amount of leakage, along with the expertise to show you precisely where the problems are in your home. Jack Frost can inexpensively test your home and explain what can and should be done. Many repairs can be done by yourself as weekend projects at very little cost. But you can’t fix it until you know what needs to be fixed, so call Jack Frost for a Home Leakage Test.