Hybrid Heating Systems

One heating and cooling option that is growing rapidly in popularity is the “Hybrid” heating and cooling system. It combines the benefits of a heat pump with a conventional gas furnace. Equipment now comes from the factory ready-to-go as a complete Hybrid system, but Jack Frost has been providing Hybrid conversions to existing gas furnaces for years. Homeowners are increasingly deciding that a Hybrid conversion is a good option for them.

Hybrid cars save money by powering the car with electricity or with gas, when and as conditions dictate. A Hybrid heating system does this for your home. Which Hybrid do you suppose could save you more money: a car that you drive an hour a day or so, or your home, which you heat or cool 24/7?

If your furnace equipment is getting a bit old, then rather than opting for a high-efficiency gas furnace replacement that might take your equipment from 80% efficient to 90% or 95% efficient . . . a 12% to 18% improvement in efficiency . . . consider instead replacing your old air conditioner equipment with a heat pump and keeping your existing furnace. Depending upon the condition of your furnace, this option allows you to keep your furnace as a backup heating unit plus the blower unit, which is less costly than a total conversion to a heat pump system. Substantial savings in heating costs are possible when you can heat with a heat pump versus gas heat, and a new, higher efficiency heat pump will provide summertime air-conditioning comfort at reduced cost, too.