Whole Home Air Leakage Test

Jack Frost offers a complete whole home air leakage test. All homes must leak some air, for health reasons. Unfortunately, most homes leak TOO MUCH air, according to Federal Department of Energy recommendations. The national home leakage average is about 30% excessive leakage.

What does excessive air leakage mean?

  • Utility bills will be higher than they should be, winter and summer.
  • In the warm months, humidity in the home will be too high. High humidity leads to mold growth, which is unhealthy to both the home and the occupants.
  • Other bad things result from too high humidity, such as dust mites, bacteria, and insect and spider infestations.

Pollens, mold spores and dust are encouraged to enter the home. Allergy and asthma reactions are provoked excessively.

The important leaks seldom are where you expect. For example, windows and doors are almost never the serious leakers. This test shows you the leaks unique to your home in a very visual way. Once identified, most leaks are easy and inexpensive for the homeowner to correct. Or, if you wish, we can help you with them.

Jack Frost is offering this home test as a special service. It usually takes about an hour or so. You will see how to make your home more comfortable and energy efficient. Utility cost savings alone will usually pay for the testing in just a few months, and sometimes in just a few weeks, but for many families, the real payoff is in year-round improvements in comfort and health.

Give Jack Frost a call to schedule your Whole Home Checkup.