Whole-house fans

Whole-house fans, commonly pulling air up and out through the ceiling in a hallway, are not particularly common in areas Jack Frost serves, and for good reason. They are better suited to a lower-humidity climate. In this area, the days when the air is sufficiently dry to make their use practical are few.

Whole-house fans often have a very negative impact on those who suffer from allergies, partly because night-time pollen levels can be quite high. Also, no matter how many windows are opened, some of the air is likely to be coming from a possibly contaminated crawl space . . . if you have a crawl space.

These fans also tend to leak air when not in use at a fearsome rate, with a significant negative impact on utility costs all year long. To date, we have tested JUST ONE home equipped with a whole-house fan that did not demonstrate a very high rate of leakage; all others failed miserably.